a photo of building blocks spelled out a teamwork on a table

15 Top Tips To Become A Better Team Player At Work

The Forbes Coaches Council has a new article on what to do to be a better team player. The article features 15 top tips from 15 Forbes council members, including our own CEO, Kristy McCann.

Getting along with your co-workers is key to enjoying your work experience and fitting in with the office crowd. While you don’t want to be an outsider, you may feel as though you are just not reaching your potential as a professional and wonder what the real issue is.

Being a better team player may be the answer you are looking for, as your ability to work well with other people in the office can not only improve your relationship with them but also help you perform better in your job.

The 15 tips to be a better team player provided by the Forbes Coaches Council:

  1. Let Others Help You
  2. Focus on Shared Interests
  3. Listen Well
  4. Cultivate The Genius In Others
  5. Make Yourself A ‘Reward’
  6. Use Your ‘Followership’ Skills
  7. Lead With Best Intentions 
  8. Share Your Gifts
  9. Volunteer To Do The Dirty Work
  10. Spread Positivity
  11. Flex To Others’ Work Styles
  12. Solicit Feedback From Colleagues
  13. Find The Human Inside
  14. Never Play The Blame Game
  15. Focus On Collaboration, Not Just Cooperation


“ #7. Regardless of your role in the workplace, one thing that helps to enhance camaraderie, communication and collaboration is engaging with best intentions. This means looking at the whole self of the individual and all the things they are bringing to the team. Engaging with best intentions helps enlighten gap areas and strengthen relationships, which is core to every company, relationship and the future.”


Go deeper on the 15 Better Team Player Tips and read the whole article on Forbes.